During Spring 2015, a group of friends and I will be touring the entire east coast from Key West, Florida to Bar Harbor, Maine, approximately 2,500 miles in total, following the Atlantic Coast route created by the Adventure Cycling Association. This will be a self contained fully loaded bike tour which means I'll be carrying around 45 lbs. or so. I'm looking forward to experiencing the east coast like never before. With this blog, I plan to post pictures as we progress using the BlogPress APP on my mobile phone. Let's see how it goes and wish me luck. On a bike tour such as this, our daily challenges and not necessarily in this order, will be our physical condition, food, shelter, traffic, navigation, and weather. The above picture was taken during my Southern Tier crossing of the U.S. in spring of 2008. Bike touring requires a specific mind set and a passion.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pine Bush to Lakeville

Another long day riding to Lakeville at 76 miles with 3,500 feet of gain, with most of the climbing during the latter half of the route. I considered stopping early in Poughkeepsie (love that name) on my own due to my chest congestion, but decided to carry on. A tough day for all which began at 7:30am and ended at about 6:30pm at a wonderful lodge, originally a private girls boarding school, named the Wake Robin Inn. This lodge is primarily for groups and special events such as weddings, but they had an open weekend and we were a group at six people. Otherwise it was camping which no one wanted after a long day in the saddle. I consider ourselves lucky to have had the opportunity to experience this wonderful inn. Today we also entered Conneticut near day's end.

Above: Shawangunk Mountains in distance. Fun carving below.

Girls just want to have fun!

Crossing the Hudson River


Wake Robin Inn

It has been a tough day.

A we survived celebration.

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